Freedom To Operate Audits

Three Steps to IP Reassurance

  • The Risk

    Start up and scale up businesses are disproportionately at risk of threats to their IP, and it’s not uncommon for existing competitors to challenge the ownership of that IP or to oppose the validation of their IP rights during the application process.

    Intellectual Property and Patent is becoming an huge issue and growing concern within the tech ecosystem.

    There is a growing appetite from larger organisations to 'protect their intellectual property' and increasingly exert their financial advantage to squeeze smaller businesses to remove competition or obtain commercial advantage.

    The best way to defend yourself is to know what the enemy may be thinking. One way to do that is to understand if your product/service may be infringing 3rd party patent and IP rights.

  • The Solution

    A Freedom To Operate (FTO) analysis gives an insight that will help you understand your potential problem areas, protect your future and reassure investors. It can be regarded as good risk management and corporate governance to have one completed.

    An FTO looks at similarity of IP and features of products across the globe.

    However, the cost of these reports can be prohibitive - until now. Our partner reports have been proven to be at least 1/3 of the cost of a UK law firm price.

    Its not quite a free world but at least we are making it cheaper for clients!

  • The Contact

    The easy bit.

    Simply get in touch via the box below for a quick chat with one of our team. We can then make the necessary arrangements.