Industry Expertise
Insurance is easy.
Just pop online and get a quick quote, right?
The problem is that different businesses have different risk exposures. Do you know what yours are?
Not all insurance cover is equal and not all policies will pay out when you most need it. So how do you make sure you’re getting what you need?
1. Understand the risk exposures
Does your management team really understand where the risks lie? It’s not what you know that matters, it’s what you don’t. That’s where the serious dangers are.
2. Manage the risk exposures
Does your management team understand how to reduce your risk exposure? From Health & Safety legislation to financial exposures within international contracts to the terms & conditions of cloud-based contracts and more, exposure can be diverse and not always simple to address.
3. Transfer the risk
The average insurance policy is 26,000 words of legal jargon — that’s longer than Moby Dick! What’s more, if points 1 and 2 haven’t been fully considered, you might not get the cover you think you’re getting. That’s where we come in.
With significant experience across a broad range of industries, we’re the ideal partner to help you identify, manage and transfer the right risks, and keep driving forward.
From space to biotech; software to media, we work with clients to create risk protection programmes that are both highly effective and cost-effective.
The list of risks you face is astonishing. Compliance breaches, international contract risk, multi-country regulation, intellectual property infringement, errors & omission, directors’ liabilities, employee risk, shareholder actions, data privacy, numerous cyber risks, sub-contractor error, loss or failure of critical equipment and more.
The problem you face is that most brokers and insurance companies don’t understand the complexity of your advanced technology and software development. If they don’t understand it, they can’t give you the right advice to protect it.
Innovation and technology advancements across the engineering and manufacturing industries create an ever-changing landscape of risk exposures.
You operate in a very competitive, globally connected environment where a hard-built reputation can be destroyed in moments.
Hospitality and events businesses operate at the edge. It doesn't take much to destroy the business. An infectious disease outbreak, an injury to a customer, a power failure... all can have a huie mpact on cash flow and reputation.
How an insurance programme is structured, the attention to the detail of policy wordings and extensions, and the manner in which claims are handled can really take the sting out of a bad incident.
The creative, film and media sector is a sensitive place. Reputations are won with difficulty and lost with ease.
BAFTA award winners and innovative film production companies; advertising agencies and CreativeTech. We guide many through the minefield of contracts and risk to ensure they are free to focus on developing heir businesses and delivering award-winning work.
The single, most critical service we offer is technical thoroughness applied with experience.
The devil is in the detail when arranging insurance protection for food & drink businesses. Your reputation is vital and it can be supported very effectively with a sound insurance and risk management programme.
Beware though: the technical complexity of business interruption and liability wordings can be both onerous and lacking in true support. Our extensive experience of dealing with the food & drink sector, from production through to supply chain and on to the end consumer has ensured we have learnt many lessons about sector risk.
Regulatory burden, data management risks and the dangers of crime make this sector one of the most complex from a risk perspective.
Insurance and risk management programmes are critical to the protection of businesses in this sector, but beware the adequacy of policy wordings.
Detailed risk assessment is important, reputation can easily be damaged and that means customer and income loss. Insurance policy wordings, exclusions and conditions can catch companies out.
If you pay money for insurance you want to make sure it pays out when you most need it.
Construction and related industries face the most demanding of regulations and contract conditions.
The management of risk and the quality of insurance coverage are critical.
We have over 25 years experience in dealing with the construction industry from SMEs to PLCs and have given consistent and cost-effective solutions to manage and insure against risk.
In our experience, the biggest business problems revolve around the breakdown or disruption to plant and machinery, contractual liabilities and financial loss. Insurance underwriters are very much aware of this exposure and often seek to impose onerous operating conditions and warranties.
We have strong experience in creating effective insurance programmes for companies in this sector. Our insurance market connections enable us to be highly competitive in both policy cover levels and cost.